From the South via I-295: Take I-295 North to Exit 57 for Bordentown. Follow US Route 130 North about 1.3 miles staying to the right toward signs for US Route 130 North. Make a right onto Ward Avenue. The sign says “Ward Avenue Crosswicks.” This is the road that runs between Town & Country Diner and Chickie & Pete’s. Follow Ward Avenue about 1 mile. The Bordentown Performing Arts Center is on the left…take the second entrance.
From the North via I-295: Take I-295 South to Exit 57A for Bordentown. Follow US Route 130 North about 1.3 miles staying to the right toward signs for US Route 130 North. Make a right onto Ward Avenue. The sign says “Ward Avenue Crosswicks.” This is the road that runs between Town & Country Diner and Chickie & Pete’s. Follow Ward Avenue about 1 mile. The Bordentown Performing Arts Center is on the left…take the second entrance.
From the East via I-195: Take I-195 West to Exit 5A for Bordentown. Follow US Route 130 South about 3.5 miles. Make a left onto Groveville Road at the signal at the top of the hill. Follow Groveville Road about 0.3 miles then make a right onto Hogback Road. Follow Hogback Road about 1.1 miles. Make a right onto Ward Avenue at the stop sign. The Bordentown Performing Arts Center is on the right…take the first entrance.