Grants Given to the District
Project GROW – Grades Respecting Other’s Worlds
program that allows students from primary grades to interact with older students and form mentoring relationships.
Math Under the Stars
This program uses children’s literature to enhance math skills. The program is an evening out for parents and children and to promote interaction.
Middle School Piano Lab
Software was purchased for students to progress with their music instruction at their own pace – from basic concepts to mastering music theory and ear training skills. Software interfaces with existing Midi keyboards, headphones and computers at the school.
Library Club
Funds were used for the purchase of career, as well as, fiction books with a math theme. Materials were also purchased to support the club’s learning about library skills. Each student adopted a shelf in the library and kept it in its proper order.
Book Bandit Club
Students met before school, during lunch breaks and after school to discuss books read from a selection of books purchased with grant money. Snacks were also provided to each club member.
Bag It: Books are Great In-Tow
Sixty primary grade students were affected from this grant. Funds were used to purchase books, cassette books, and cassette players and tote bags. Students were able to take these materials to and from school and home to share with other students, family members, etc. Journals and activity pages were completed in this program.
Book of the Month Club
Books and storage carts were purchased for sixth graders. These books were available to all sixth graders.
Knowledge Knapsack
A home-school connection was enhanced through this program that encouraged children to take books home and share with their families.
AV Project
This program provided students the opportunity to explore the field of technology by working on collaborative projects. They recorded school events with digital cameras and attended AV meetings at which they edited, viewed and decided on the final project for presentment.
Reach Out and Read Evening
First grader and parents can interact during an evening out to read. Refreshments, crafts materials and books were purchased.
Interpreting Art History, Criticism and Aesthetics
Slides and a slide projector were purchased. These materials will be used to lead students K-6 through the exploration of art history, art production art criticism and aesthetics.
Technology Association
Materials were purchased to promote technological literacy, leadership and problem solving skills. Funds were also provided for two conferences.
Media-Wise Parent and Student Program
Provided parents with new action-oriented solutions to respond to the powerful influences of TV, video games and movies.
Math Matrix
Before school program to enhance math skills through games and challenging materials.
Quiet Muffs
Earmuffs to help students to concentrate by blocking out background noises.
Deborah Hospital
Books were purchased to be read to patients after the students in school read them. These books were written in English and Spanish. Also, each student wrote to patients telling what they like about the book.
Celebrate through Good Nutrition
Students created a multicultural cookbook to share and experience.Digital Walkers
Pedometers were purchased to measure the effects of exercise and calories burnt during gym and special exercise events.