About the School Psychologist

Hello!  I am excited to introduce myself as the new School Psychologist at PMS.   I am a NJ and NY licensed School Psychologist and I have a Professional Diploma in School Psychology and a Masters in Therapeutic Interventions from Fordham University Graduate School of Education.  In addition, I have a Bachelors of Arts degree in Psychology from Colgate University with a minor in Educational Studies. 
At PMS, I will be case managing the classified students in the Supported Regular Education classrooms in the building as well as the Autism classroom in the school.  I will be counseling a portion of students.  In addition, I will be involved in the Intervention and Referral Services team and in all initial referral meetings for the Child Study Team.  Please feel free to reach out if you have any concerns about your student! 
On my page you will find links to more information about the role of a School Psychologist in a school district, a link to NJ Special Education Code.  Last, I have compiled a resource library for the professionals who work at PMS that includes educational games, supplemental instructional materials and other books that may help you better understand the children in your classroom.