Michelle Diantonio » Terrific Third Graders

Terrific Third Graders

     Third grade will be an exciting year. There will be so many interesting activities that you will be doing. In Language Arts, you will be reading many wonderful chapter books. You will be reading fictional stories, biographies, and mysteries.
     In writing, you will be writing personal narratives, informational texts, persuasive pieces, fairy tales and poems. This year you will be publishing many of your own books to share with your family and friends. You will also be learning to write in cursive to achieve your cursive license.
     In Math, we will be learning addition/ subtraction of larger number with regrouping, multiplication, division, fractions, geometry and problem solving. 
In Science, our units will be Chemistry Experiments, Solar System and Animals. In Social Studies, you will be learning about the branches of the United Stated Government, the Presidential Election and Current Events. We will also be learning about many famous people and places in Bordentown history and Map Skills.
     Please feel free to contact me by phone at 609-298-2600 ext. 4151 or email me at [email protected] if you have any questions. I am looking forward to meeting you on the first day of school and having a great year together!