Food Service » Student Lunch Account Information

Student Lunch Account Information

Paying for lunch in our cafeterias is very easy.  Each of the schools has a point of sale(POS) register.  All of the students in the district have an account based on their student ID#.  Each student can pay for his or her lunch through pre-payment.  In grades K-5, no cash is allowed in the cafeteria service line.  Therefore all of their payments must be brought into school in an envelope with their name, deposit amount, and student ID# on the front or pre-paid on-line at  An on-line account may be set-up at any time.  All that is needed is the students name and student ID#.  All monies brought into school will be collected in the classroom and then taken to the cafeteria each morning before lunch.

Students in grades 6-12 may use the same methods of payment as stated above as well as bringing cash into the service line.  If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Food Services at 609-324-3998 x 1226.